Uniquely us roses

All Blue Roses

these are blue roses of all colors, even sparkly blue. They are the kind of roses you want for any special occasion they never die. They put a smile on your face they can be custom-made and made for any occasion. Prices may vary. For all blue colors such as. Plus shipping price there is no delivery unless you’re in the actual Chicago area when you can come and get them yourself. I accept PayPal and cash app. Blue $80 Turquoise blue $40 Light blue $33 Baby blue $21 sparkly blue $90 all mixed together the blues. can I be in the custom category. Altogether the price would be $266. if you need anymore information more pictures please feel free to reach out at 312-725-0528 if I don’t respond right away and I see your message I will get back to you as quick as possible with any information or more detail
